• Pastel Technique


    Dive into the enchanting world of pastels with our comprehensive Pastel Technique class. This course is designed for both beginners and seasoned artists who wish to unlock the full potential of pastel artistry. Throughout the sessions, we will explore various pastel supports, from traditional papers to innovative surfaces like pastelbord, pastel mat, sanded paper, and handmade supports.

    Discover the unique characteristics of each support and how they influence the texture and outcome of your pastel masterpiece. From the subtle nuances of pastel paper to the tactile experience of sanded surfaces, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the interplay between support and pastel application.

    The class delves into the diverse world of pastel types, including pastel sticks, pencils, and pan pastels. Learn the distinct qualities of each and how to leverage their strengths to enhance your artistic expression. Whether you prefer the bold strokes of pastel sticks, the precision of pencils, or the versatility of pan pastels, this class will empower you to wield these tools with confidence.

    Understanding the hardness of pastels is crucial for achieving the desired effects in your artwork. Explore the spectrum of pastel hardness and master the art of blending and color mixing. Develop your skills in creating smooth transitions, dynamic contrasts, and vibrant harmonies that bring your pastel creations to life.

    Join us on this artistic journey, where you’ll not only gain technical expertise but also cultivate your unique pastel style. Unleash your creativity as you experiment with different supports and pastel types, discovering the endless possibilities that pastels have to offer. Embrace the world of pastels and let your imagination soar in this immersive Pastel Technique class.